
The genie in the bottle-magnified calcium signaling in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex

Arnsten A, Datta D, Wang M
Nature, Molecular Psychiatry, December 2020

Trial-to-Trial Variability of Spiking Delay Activity in Prefrontal Cortex Constrains Burst-Coding Models of Working Memory.

Li D, Constantinidis C, Murray JD The Journal of Neuroscience, September 2021

Neuromodulation of prefrontal cortex cognitive function in primates: the powerful roles of monoamines and acetylcholine.

Cools R, Arnsten A
Neuropsychopharmacology, January 2022

Chronic Stress Weakens Connectivity in the Prefrontal Cortex: Architectural and Molecular Changes.

Woo E, Sansing LH, Arnsten AFT, Datta D
Chronic Stress, August 2021

The Aversive Lens: Stress effects on the prefrontal-cingulate cortical pathways that regulate emotion.

Arnsten AFT, Joyce MK, Roberts AC
Encyclopedia of the Human Brain, in press

Differential gene expression between callosal and ipsilateral projection neurons in the monkey dorsolateral prefrontal and posterior parietal cortices.

Arion D, Enwright JF, Gonzalez-Burgos G, Lewis DA
Cerebral Cortex, April 2022

Mechanisms of distributed working memory in a large-scale network of macaque neocortex

Mejias JF, Wang XJ
eLife, February 2022

A dopamine gradient controls access to distributed working memory in large-scale monkey cortex.

Froudist-Walsh S, Bliss DP, Ding X, Janjovic-Rapan L, Niu M, Knoblauch K, Zilles K, Kennedy H, Palomero-Gallagher N and Wang XJ
Neuron, November 2021

Structural Attributes and Principles of the Neocortical Connectome in the Marmoset Monkey

Theodoni P, Majka P, Reser DH, Wójcik DK, Rosa MGP and Wang XJ
Cerebral Cortex, January 2022

Fifty years of mnemonic persistent activity: Quo Vadis?

Wang XJ
Trends in Neuroscience, November 2021

Diversity amongst human cortical pyramidal neurons revealed via their sag currents and frequency preferences.

Moradi Chameh H, Rich S, Wang L, Chen FD, Zhang L, Carlen PL, Tripathy SJ, Valiante TA
Nature Communications, May 2021

Patch-seq: Past, Present, and Future.

Lipovsek M, Bardy C, Cadwell CR, Hadley K, Kobak D, Tripathy SJ
The Journal of Neuroscience, February 2021

Ketamine disrupts naturalistic coding of working memory in primate lateral prefrontal cortex networks.

Roussy M, Luna R, Duong L, Corrigan B, Gulli RA, Nogueira R, Moreno-Bote R, Sachs AJ, Palaniyappan L, Martinez-Trujillo JC
Molecular Psychiatry, May 2021

Changes in the Proportion of Inhibitory Interneuron Types from Sensory to Executive Areas of the Primate Neocortex: Implications for the Origins of Working Memory Representations.

Torres-Gomez S, Blonde JD, Mendoza-Halliday D, Kuebler E, Everest M, Wang XJ, Inoue W, Poulter MO, Martinez-Trujillo JC
Cerebral Cortex, August 2020

Cortico-Subcortical Functional Connectivity Profiles of Resting-State Networks in Marmosets and Humans

Hori Y, Schaeffer DJ, Yoshida A, Cléry JC, Hayrynen LK, Gati JS, Menon RS, Everling S
The Journal of Neuroscience, November 2020

Theta activity paradoxically boosts gamma and ripple frequency sensitivity in prefrontal interneurons.

Merino RM, Leon-Pinzon C, Stühmer W, Möck M, Staiger JF, Wolf F, Neef A
PNAS, December 2021

Ultrafast population coding and axo-somatic compartmentalization.

Zhang C, Hofmann D, Neef A, Wolf F
PLoS Computational Biology, January 2022

Spontaneous traveling waves naturally emerge from horizontal fiber time delays and travel through locally asynchronous-irregular states.

Davis ZW, Benigno GB, Fletterman C, Desbordes T, Steward C, Sejnowski TJ, H Reynolds J, Muller L
Nature Communications, October 2021

Geometry unites synchrony, chimeras, and waves in nonlinear oscillator networks.

Budzinski RC, Nguyen TT, Đoàn J, Mináč J, Sejnowski TJ, Muller L
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, March 2022

Spontaneous Spiking Is Governed By Broadband Fluctuations.

Davis ZW, Muller L, Reynolds J
The Journal of Neuroscience, May 2022

Joins of Circulant Matrices

Đoàn J, Mináč J, Muller L, Nguyen TT, Pasini FP
Linear Algebra and its Applications, in press

Distinct neural codes in primate hippocampus and lateral prefrontal cortex during associative learning in virtual environments.

Corrigan BW, Gulli RA, Doucet G, Roussy M, Luna R, Pradeepan KS, Sachs AJ, Martinez-Trujillo JC
Neuron, May 2022